Sunday, July 16, 2006

noblesse oblige

Rough translation: "Nobility Obligates." Or as my mother wisely taught us - "To whom much is given, much is expected"

If you believe this maxim is valid then let me suggest that no country is as obligated as Canada.

I can say this, because I was born in Canada, live here. As a thinking observer of the world around me I can see that it's not the "fiscal imbalance" that politicians here talk about that is important, but rather the abundance imbalance that obligates us to our fellowman.

Canada is not only Number One in my heart, but also features prominently in a number of ratings from around the world.

Consider these stats:

> Canada is tops in having the highest percentage of university degrees and college diplomas among all industrialized countries...

> United Nations ranks Canada Number One for direct foreign investement attraction...

> KPMG ranks Canada Number One in lowest business costs in the G7...

> Also ranks Number One in the G7 for a fairly administered justice system...

(There are lots more areas to comment on - but this is enough for this post. )

The point of it all - if we have been given the wealth, the freedom, the education, the financial resources, the medical infrastructure, and unlimited opportunities to improve on what we have been given - will we accept our unique and sacred obligation to rid the world of HIV/AIDS?