Saturday, March 11, 2006

Consider Namibia


AIDS Status: 20-25% of adults and young adults infected; over 70,000 AIDS orphans

Geographic: 823,144 sq. miles
Arid and semi desert, driest African country south of the equator

Population: 1.8 million
73% of the people are Bantu
4.5% European descent (Afrikaner, German)

Economy: Mining diamonds, uranium, cattle ranching and fishing all important.

Average income: $2110 per year.

Unemployment: 30%

Politics: Won independance from South Africa in 1990.
Belongs to the British Commonwealth the same as Canada.

1 comment:

Ronsaren said...

praise the Lord for a family memeber...are you from europe by any chance? since you wrote favour and not favor...hehehe

you have a GOD-SIZE vision and i pray he will pour his GOD-SIZE blessings on it

my friend has a blog

that focus on providing bibles to countries that do not have them. especially to areas that does not have a writing system yet. she calls it the 10/40 window. you should check them it and tell your friends about it. maybe God will put it on their heart to do the same.

definatley John 15:16